FIWien Saal

The new training with Ortal Goldshmid starts in October 2025.

The application is already possible!

NEW! Child'Space group classes begin on January 15, 2025!

We are offering two groups:
For babies aged 0–6 months and a caregiver: from 9:30 to 10:45
For babies aged 6–12 months and a caregiver: from 10:30 bis 11:45
Interested? Please register as soon as possible with Joy Ackwonu at

FREE Movement Lessons with your Baby (age 0 – 24 months, until walking)
April 24 – May 4, 2025

Touch and movement are the main ways for your baby to learn.
You can learn how to support your baby in his/her development.

Child’Space Vienna

The Child’Space Method teaches parents how interaction with their babies can stimulate developing motor skills as well as cognitive, emotional and social abilities, and improve co-regulation between babies and parents. The Child’Space training combines both theoretical knowledge, such as anatomy, neurology and psychology lessons, with practical experience.

In this training you will build professional competence for working with babies and their parents, using movements and activities drawn from the human developmental repertoire. After graduation you can assume a role as nonmedical specialist working with parents to enrich their perception of and interaction with their babies. As a Child’Space practitioner you will be specialized in supporting infant’s developmental learning from the stage of birth until they achieve independent walking.

Build competence

Build competence to work with babies and their caregivers. You will train to give individual lessons, where you work with one infant and her primary caregivers; and group sessions, where several babies and their caregivers participate.

You will learn to work with healthy, ’difficult’ or restless babies, babies with developmental delays, and babies with special needs – and their parents.

You will learn how to communicate with parents/caregivers and how to teach them to observe and support their babies through the developmental stages.

Study at Child’Space Vienna

Your training will assist you to learn, observe, act, and improve:

  • Practice and experience hands-on skills.
  • Apply various communication paths through all sensory channels.
  • Develop your own awareness.
  • Emphasize the importance of a dynamic family connection.
  • Develop vocabulary and repertoire of communication and play.
  • Learn the theoretical scientific basis of infant development.
  • Widen the movement repertoire at each developmental stage in order to adapt it to changing needs.
  • Gain personal experience of developmental stages and transitions through 50 lessons of developmental movement exploration (DME) that were specifically developed by Dr. Chava Shelhav to enable parents and future practitioners to learn by experience. Its uniqueness lies in combining both practical and theoretical elements.

Ways of learning in this training include hands-on experience, supervision time, demonstrations, lectures, and independent home study. This includes watching and analysing videos in between the segments as well as preparing and delivering a presentation at the end of the training.

This training is for you ...

... if you work with infants/children professionally, no matter if you have a medical or another professional background (psychologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, caregivers, child therapists, teachers, social workers). You will enrich your vocabulary of touch and interaction and learn how to support parents’ understanding.

... if you are a trained Feldenkrais Practitioner. You will deepen your knowledge of infant development and build a repertoire for your interaction with babies and parents. You will better understand the specifics of the way that parents and babies co-regulate.

... if you are a parent and want to build competence for your child — with or without special needs.

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the mechanism of movement in early stages.
  • Learn to identify, analyze and treat these in terms of movement difficulties, orientation, balance and social interactions.
  • Learn the specifics of the way that parents and babies co-regulate.
Chava Babies

Dr. Chava Shelhav, Educational Director und Supervisor

Chava Shelhav received her Master’s at Boston University and her thesis, Working with Brain Damaged Children Using the Feldenkrais Method, was published in 1989. Her doctorate is from the University of Heidelberg where she graduated in the Departments of Sociology and Life Sciences. Her PhD thesis examined the effects of the Feldenkrais Method on learning processes and other aspects of childhood.

Chava is one of Dr. Moshé Feldenkrais’ first students. She is an experienced teacher and trainer and has served as educational director in 30 four-year Feldenkrais Professional Training Programs in Israel, Germany, the United States, and the UK. Chava developed the Child’Space - a unique approach of developmental coaching that applies Feldenkrais theory to working with babies and their caregivers.

Ortal Goldshmid, Co-Educational Director and Senior Trainer

Ortal Goldshmid is a highly experienced senior Child’Space trainer, a Feldenkrais practitioner, and holds a Bachelor of Social Work degree from Tel Aviv university. She is the educational director and main trainer of the Child’Space training programs in Israel.

Ortal has been mentored by Dr. Chava Shelhav since 2004. She has been part of the Child’Space educational team for over 13 years, teaching in Austria, Argentina, Norway and Israel.

Ortal has gained vast clinical experience, working with babies with various neurological, motor and sensory challenges at private and public health care centers in Israel. She has co-developed an approach for guiding groups of babies and parents, for practitioners who wish to implement the Child’Space method into group work.

Ortal will be the main trainer in the Vienna Child’Space training program starting in April 2023 at Feldenkrais Institut Wien.

Chava Shelhav and Ortal Goldshmid will teach alongside a team of highly regarded trainers and experts who will be invited for lectures.

Start-up Workshops with Ortal Goldshmid

Sunday, January 26, 2025 / 15:00 — 18:00
Saturday, June 29, 2025 / 15:00 — 18:00

The workshops will be taught only online.
Teaching language: English

Dates & Times

Your Child’Space training in Vienna is organized in 5 segments, each 10 days, over the course of two years.

Teaching language: English

1st Segment

October 16 — 20, 2025
October 22 — 26, 2025

2nd Segment

April 9 — 13, 2026
April 15 — 19, 2026

3rd Segment

October 22 — 26, 2026
October 28 — November 1, 2026

4rd Segment

April 1 — 5, 2027
April 7 — 11, 2027

5th Segment

October 21 — 25, 2027
October 27 — 31, 2027

Teaching times in each segment:

Thursday: 12.30—18.00
Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon: 10.00—17.00
Tuesday: free
Wednesday: 12.30—17.00
Thursday: 12.30—18.00
Fri, Sat: 10.00 — 17.00 Uhr
Sunday: 10.00 — 14.00 Uhr


€ 1680,- per segment (incl. 20% MwSt/VAT)

Early bird: € 1596,- per segment (incl. 20% MwSt/VAT)
If you register before April 31, 2025 you profit from a 5% discount on all segments!

Super Early bird: € 1512,- per segment (incl. 20% MwSt/VAT)
If you register before December 31, 2024 you profit from a 10% discount on all segments!

Our General Terms and Conditions apply.


Please send in your written application. Download your application form here.
We only accept a limited number of participants.


The training activities include five practicums and one presentation by each participant. You graduate as a Child’Space Practitioner after successfully completing a minimum of 45 attended training days.

FIWien Saal 2

Contact us with any question you might have. We are happy to hear from you!

Tel.: +43 (0)699 1133 1043

Feldenkrais Institut Wien
Taborstraße 71/1a
1020 Wien/Vienna


Child’Space Vienna will take place at the Feldenkrais Institut Wien (FI Wien) in Austria. At FI Wien you will meet our dedicated team and enjoy a modern and comfortable training location with especially adapted rooms and a small library. The institute covers 400 m2 and is therefore one of the major Feldenkrais spaces in Europe with a year-round schedule of classes, workshops and other events.

FI Wien is located in a charming turn-of-the-19th-century building with a quiet yard, a small sunny terrace and up-to-date technical equipment. The entire infrastructure optimaly serves your learning process.

The Feldenkrais Institut Wien is just a two-minute-walk from the beautiful, baroque Augarten park. It is in the 2nd district, close to the centre of Vienna and easily accessible by public transport.

First Child'Space Vienna Training
started in April 2019 and on October 31, 2021 the group graduated successfully.